
How Short-Term Accommodation Supports Skill Development: Enhancing Quality of Life

21 June 2023

Reading Time: 4 minutes
support worker helping person with disability in a short term accommodation

Over the years, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has played a crucial role in providing support and services to individuals with disabilities. One of the key components of the NDIS is short-term accommodation, which offers a range of benefits to participants.

In this blog, we will explore how short-term accommodation supports skill development and enhances the lives of people with disabilities.

Table of Contents

Understanding Short-Term Accommodation (STA)

Short-term accommodation, also known as respite care or temporary accommodation, refers to the provision of support and accommodation for individuals with disabilities who require assistance with their daily living activities.

It offers a temporary break or respite for participants, enabling them to stay in a different environment while receiving necessary support and care.

Supporting Skill Development

Independence and Self-Management Skills: Short-term accommodation provides individuals with disabilities an opportunity to enhance their independence and self-management skills. By staying in a different setting, participants can practice and develop skills such as cooking, cleaning, budgeting, and personal care, under the guidance of trained support staff. This experience fosters self-confidence and empowers individuals to take charge of their lives.

Social and Communication Skills: Living in short-term accommodation allows participants to engage with a diverse range of people, including staff members and fellow residents. This social interaction promotes the development of social and communication skills. Participants can learn to initiate conversations, practice active listening, and build relationships, which are crucial for overall well-being and integration into the community.

Decision-Making and Problem-Solving Skills: Short-term accommodation provides a supportive environment for individuals with disabilities to make decisions and solve problems independently. With guidance from support staff, participants can develop decision-making skills by planning their daily activities, managing their routines, and overcoming challenges that may arise. These skills are transferable to various aspects of life, including education, employment, and community involvement.

Daily Living and Personal Skills: Short-term accommodation offers individuals the opportunity to develop and refine their daily living and personal skills. Participants can learn and practice tasks such as meal planning, grocery shopping, laundry, and personal hygiene. These skills are essential for leading an independent and fulfilling life, and short-term accommodation provides a safe space for individuals to gain confidence and competence in performing these activities. If you’re ready for a short break, you can contact us today to learn more about our current short term accommodation vacancies.

Community Engagement and Participation: Short-term accommodation often facilitates community engagement and participation for participants. By staying in different locations, individuals can explore new neighbourhoods, access community facilities, and participate in local events and activities.

Engaging with the wider community fosters a sense of belonging and enables individuals to develop skills in navigating public spaces, using public transport, and accessing community resources.

What other benefits can participants expect?

In addition to the skill development benefits discussed above, NDIS short-term accommodation offers several other advantages that further support participants’ overall well-being:

  1. Family and Carer Support: Short-term accommodation provides a much-needed break for family members and carers who support individuals with disabilities. It allows them to take time for themselves, rejuvenate, and attend to their own needs while knowing that their loved one is well cared for in a supportive environment. This respite for family and carers is crucial in preventing burnout and maintaining a healthy balance in their lives.
  2. Transition Support: Short-term accommodation can also play a significant role in transitional periods for individuals with disabilities. For example, during the transition from school to post-school life, short-term accommodation can offer a supportive environment for participants to gain independent living skills, explore employment opportunities, and gradually transition to a more permanent accommodation arrangement. This transitional support is invaluable in facilitating a smooth transition and successful integration into adulthood.
  3. Emergency Support: STA can serve as a vital resource in emergency situations. It offers a haven for individuals with disabilities during times of crisis or when their regular support systems are temporarily unavailable. Whether it is due to a natural disaster, family emergency, or unexpected circumstances, short-term accommodation ensures that participants have access to the support and care they require during challenging times.
  4. Skill Maintenance and Reinforcement: Short-term accommodation is not solely for skill development but also provides an opportunity for individuals to maintain and reinforce the skills they have already acquired. Regular stays in short-term accommodation can help participants solidify their existing abilities, practice self-management skills, and ensure the continued progress of their independence and daily living skills.

Short-term accommodation services can be customized to align with the specific requirements of individuals with disabilities, ensuring that they receive the right level of support to maximize their skill development and overall well-being.


Short-term accommodation plays a crucial role in supporting skill development for individuals with disabilities under the NDIS. It offers a range of benefits, including the promotion of independence, social engagement, and community participation.

By providing a safe and supportive environment, short-term accommodation empowers participants to develop and enhance their daily living skills, decision-making abilities, and communication proficiency. It also offers respite for family and carers, supports transitions, and provides emergency assistance when needed.

Through the NDIS, individuals with disabilities have access to tailored short-term accommodation options that contribute to their personal growth, independence, and overall quality of life.